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Главная » Файлы » 3D атлас анатомии человека

The Interactive Shoulder «shoulder» (англ.) — плечо, плечевой сустав, лопатка, лопаточная часть
17.02.2010, 16:47

program is the ultimate reference work on the human shoulder. Based on the Visible Human Project Data, individual anatomical features can be seen in detail, high resolution, and in three dimensions.

скачать The Interactive Shoulder ч1

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The Interactive Hip section presents the most complete and accurate 3-D anatomical model of its kind. Included are the acetabular fossa and its surrounding structures to the full blood supply and nervous innervation of the hip joint and thigh.

Interactive Hand 2000 has the first 3-D model of the wrist and hand produced with such extreme clarity and depth of information. 

Interactive Spine offers an inside, interactive look at the anatomy of the spine including a detailed model of the entire vertebral column and spinal cord, including the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions.

Interactive Head and Neck features complete and detailed 3-D modeling of the complex anatomy of the head and neck. All structures and musculature of the head and neck are covered, including nerves, deep and superficial muscles, sinuses, the basic structure of eyes, ears, nose, gums, teeth and the craniofacial region.

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Категория: 3D атлас анатомии человека | Добавил: MedVUZ | Теги: лопатка, лопаточная часть, анатомия, David W. Stoller, плечевой сустав, лечо, Interactive Shoulder, 3D атлас
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