
Вэбинары и тренинги
3D атлас анатомии человека
Алкоголь и алкоголизм
Акушерство и гинекология
Анатомия человека, топографическая
Биомедицинская этика
Биология, ботаника
Гигиена, труда, личная, общая
Детские болезни, педиатрия, детская хирургия
Инфекционные болезни, эпидемиология
История России
История медицины
История болезни
Иностранные языки
Кожно-венерические болезни
Лечебная физкультура
Лабораторная диагностика
ЛОР болезни - оториноларингология
Нервные болезни, неврология
Нетрадиционная медицина
Офтальмология, глазные болезни
ОЗЗ общественное здоровье и здравоохранение
Право, правоведение
Реанимация и анестезиология
Судебная медицина
Симптомы и синдромы заболеваний
Терапия, факультетская, мануальная, физиотерапия
Травматология, ортопедия, ВПХ,
Урология, нефрология
Фтизиопульмунология, Фтизиатрия, туберкулёз
Книги для медицинских представителей
Массаж - обучающее видео, курсы
для среднего медперсонала
Видео медицинской и научной тематики
Презентации с медицинских конференций
Экзаменационные вопросы
Документы, заявления, справки
Медицинские журналы
Медицинские программы, справочники
Учебник, атлас, методические пособия
Практические навыки, летняя практика
Рефераты, лекции
Материалы и файлы разное
Медицинские ВУЗы России
Медицинский юмор
Научные статьи
Фильмы о врачах
Сериалы про врачей
Анатомия страсти Grey's Anatomy
Врач сериал
Декстер все сезоны / Dexter сериал
Доктор Тырса
Доктор Куин Женщина Врач Dr. Quinn
Доктор Хаус, House.M.D.
Земский доктор
Клиника Scrubs
Кости / Bones
Код: Синий / Code Blue
Скорая помощь ER
Сестра Джеки / Nurse Jackie
Следствие по телу / Body of Proof все серии
Теория лжи / Lie to Me
Части тела Nip Tuck

Последнии записи в блоге
экзамен, Пропедевтика внутренних болезней
8 дек. 2007 Зачёт по информатике.
Кафедра ЛОР болезней

Последнии темы на форуме
  • Лечебный факультет
  • Свиной грипп реальная угроза или очередная страшилка!?
  • Алкоголь
  • на произвольные темы
  • Медицинский портал. студентам, врачам, медицинские книги

    Ryazan State I.P. Pavlov Medical University

    Ryazan State I.P. Pavlov Medical University

    The history of Ryazan State I.P. Pavlov Medical University starts in 1943 when the Third and the Forth Institutes was combined into Moscow Medical University. In 1950 the Institute was transferred to Ryazan and got the new name – Ryazan State I.P. Pavlov Medical University in honor of the centenary of this Great Russian physiologist, the Nobel Prize winner.  

    In 1992 foreign students began their studies. It was only 22 students from Afghanistan, Syria and Jordan. So the history of Foreign Students faculty began. 

    At the present more than 1000 students from more than 50 countries from all over the world studied here. 

    Foreign Students faculty includes three main faculties: General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy.

    Students of General Medicine Faculty study at the University during 6 years. The first, the second and the third years include fundamental subjects, for example: biology, anatomy, physiology, biological chemistry, histology. During the forth and the fifth years they learn the special subjects, for example: pathological anatomy, pathological physiology, pharmacology, general surgery, neurology, dermatology, venereology, urology, ophthalmology, otorhinolarungology. The sixth year is dedicated to the in-depth study of internal diseases, to the surgical diseases, to the obstetrics and gynecology.  

    They have practical works in their curriculum to know better the medical practice. 

    Students of Dentistry Faculty study at the University during 5 years. They begin to learn special subjects in the second year. The forth and the fifth years are dedicated to the in-depth study of dentistry’s subjects – preventive dentistry, prosthodontics, dental surgery.

    They do their practical works in the dental clinic which is the basics of the dentist’s training. 

    Students of Pharmacy Faculty study at the University during 5 years. They start their study with general subjects: general chemistry, biology, organic chemistry. Then they study pharmacology, microbiology, pathology. Last year they study special subjects: pharmaceutical technology, biotechnology, medical and pharmaceutical study of merchandise, pharmaceutical administration and economics. 

    They do their practical work in the biggest pharmacy of the city where they can see how the work of pharmacist is organized.  

      On university course completion students receive a degree with the international standard appendix. 

    Then they can continue their studies in the internship or receive the doctor’s degree. 

    Programs that are used in the course of training are those recommended by the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME). 

    The University is constantly developing, with its programs and syllabuses being constantly improved. New courses are introduced every year to acquaint students with the latest developments in the area of Medicine. The most advanced technologies enter the academic process, which includes interactive methods and elements of distant learning. 

    In front of the University’s main entrance a bright collection of colorful national flags has found its place to greet the students coming from over 50 countries of the globe. The atmosphere in more than 20 university buildings and labs is extremely friendly and cosmopolitan. Ryazan State Medical University is the only higher education institution in Russia which provides training in the main areas of medicine (General Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry) in three different languages – Russian, English, and French. Each of the 5 000 students is absolutely sure that he/she is always welcome here, and the unique knowledge received here will be wanted in any place on the planet. 

    Student lifestyle is a very special concept. It is associated primarily with fun, new hopes, and meetings with interesting people. The University is a town within a town; you can get everything you need right there. The campus, which was specially designed and built for these purposes, gives space to over 9 buildings for classes and laboratory work, with large lecture halls and Rector’s office. Training labs, where students acquire their practical skills in treatment and research, are excellently equipped. The center of the campus area is occupied by a 4-storey Library building, which contains an enormous collection of books in Russian as well as in English and French. There are special computer rooms and an Internet center for self-study in the library. 

    Students stay at comfortable university hostels, where each of them shares a room with one or two other students. Rooms are properly furnished and provided with bedding. All the student hostels are equipped with the internet line Wi-Fi. Unlike student hostels in many other countries, Russian hostels have a kitchen on every floor, so that students can cook by themselves whatever they wish to eat. For those who want to keep fit there are gyms, fitness clubs, and sports centers. 

    Upon successful completion of any Russian state university, the graduate gets higher education degree of Russian national standard indicating speciality and qualification. The graduate also gets european appendix to the degree, which allows to apply for a prestigious job or continue education in 45 European countries signed up to the Bologna convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education. 

    Our contacts:

    Tel: 0074912764692

    Fax: 0074912922913

    e-mail: university@ryazgmu.ryazan.ru

    РязГМУ поступить контакты сайт история информация Скачать акушерство ОЗЗ Доктор Хаус Scrubs сериалы хирургия телефон лекции стоматология офтальмология Хью Лори клиника экзамен юмор Интерны Актеры доктор Тырса Терапия pdf практические навыки DjVu учебники учебник Диагностика классификация лечение Иммунология неврология егэ